Using a T-wall in your ICF build?
All you need to build T-walls on site are some 2×4 strapping and Element buck braces.
And our simple, 5-step guide will show you how to build ICF T-walls from standard ICF blocks without any specialized equipment or experience.
The images used in this blog show Logix ICF, predecessor of Element ICF. The procedure is the same with either block.
But first:
What Is Element Buck Brace?
The buck brace is a bracing component that’s traditionally used to support window and door bucks during construction.
The brace is shaped as a right triangle, and easily attaches to 2×4 boards at the adjacent sides, thus forming a sturdy brace to fit into 90-degree corners.
In door and window openings, the buck brace is fastened to the frame that temporarily keeps the bucks in place. The image below illustrates this use:
Since the buck brace forms a perfect right angle, it’s the ideal brace for any 90-degree corners, including those formed when creating a T-wall.
For this reason, the buck brace is a handy tool to use (along with some 2×4 strapping) if you need to build T-Walls.
5 Steps for Building ICF T-Walls With the Element Buck Brace
Below, we will walk you through the 5 steps needed to build T-Walls by field-cutting the standard blocks.
To use this method, all you need is a pair of Element buck braces for every course of block, along with a sufficient quantity of 2×4 strapping.
The procedure is quite simple and doesn’t require a highly skilled crew to complete.
1. Mark the T-wall Location
First, you’ll have to mark the flanking at the intersection points. Using a felt marker and the intersecting block to guide you, draw marks where the ICF wall junction will be made. Be sure to mark from the inside face of the intersecting ICF
2. Cut the Flanking Wall At the Mark
Using a hand saw, cut the flanking wall at the marks and remove the foam. Next, use a foam adhesive to tack in place the butt joints between the intersecting and flanking blocks at the t-junction.
3. Secure the Intersecting Wall to Flanking Wall
Now that you have the t-junction formed, you have to secure the flanking and intersecting walls. First, screw in the 2×4 strapping to the adjacent walls on both sides of the t-junction, such that they form a right angle in the corner. You should screw the strapping to the embedded furring strips inside the ICF blocks. The furring strips in the Element ICF blocks are marked with the “ELEMENTICF” pattern on the surface of the Element foam panels. Next, attach the buck brace to the top of the strapping boards — again, on both sides of the t-junction — while ensuring that the buck brace is tightly aligned with the ICFs. The final product should look like this:
4. Attach Strapping and Buck Braces at Every Course
As you continue to build the wall upwards, make sure that you repeat the previous step for every new course of block. In the end, each course should have 2×4 strapping fastened to a buck brace on both sides of the t-junction. This bracing will keep your assembly secure while you pour the concrete cores.
5. Add More Support To the Backside
With the t-junction braced at the corners all the way up the height of the wall, you should also support the back side of the flanking wall to brace the assembly for the concrete pour. Ideally, you’d position the form support directly behind the t-junction, like so:
And that’s it! You’ve built and secured a T-wall that’s now ready for its concrete core.
Wrapping It Up
As you can see, building ICF T-walls in the field is a straightforward procedure that requires nothing more than some buck braces and 2x4s. Beyond explaining the 5 simple steps above, there’s no need to teach your crews anything new or elaborate.
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